Walking for dat Cake

[Warning: this song contains derogatory racial terms. No hatred is intended. It is presented in its original form as a part of music history.]

a 1877 song about the cakewalk
words by Edward Harrigan
music by David Braham

The sheet music:


  1. ‘Twas down at Aunty Jackson’s
    Dar was big reception
    Of high-toned colored people
    So full of sweet affection
    Such singing and such dancing
    We made the ceiling shake
    The cream of all de ev’ning was
    A walking for dat cake

So gently on de toe we darkies step out so
Easy and so gracefully around de room we go
De wenches captivate, we all perambulate
High-toned colored people dar
A walking for dat cake

Den all forward four
Just in de gay quadrille
O Lord, how we perspire
No use, we can’t keep still
Oh, please to stop dat music
Oh, do for goodness’ sake
I feel so shy, I’ll really die
A walking for dat cake

  1. Oh dar was Sister Brownson
    How she did hug de groun’
    Wid alligator slippers
    Dat covered half de town
    She wiggled and she waddled
    She twisted like a snake
    She fell into de washtub dar
    A walking for dat cake
  2. Miss Clementina Perkins
    De Rev’rend Parson Wingdom
    A stepping like a turkey
    In Honalulu kingdom
    You’d ought to see dem gliding
    Dey kept us all awake
    Such fashionable sliding dar
    A walking for dat cake
  3. Dars Major General Hastings
    He was de ladies choice, sir
    Dey said his feet was awful
    Oh, nuffin’ could be worse, sir
    Wid military manner
    De prize he’s gwine to take
    He slipped on a banana dar
    A walking for dat cake

Sung here by Fred Feild: