Coal-Black Mammy

A popular song from the year 1921.
Words by Laddie Cliff. Music by Ivy St. Helier.

The sheet music:

Coal Black Mammy – SHEET MUSIC


1. I’m tired and I’m footsore and I’m weary
I ache from my head down to my toes
This world seems to be Mighty dreary to me
How I’ll finish my journey Lordy knows
But I know where I go that all is peaceful
I’ll lay on my pillow tonight
An’ I’ve pray’d how I’ve pray’d for that moment
Now the end of the long trails in sight

Cause I’m goin’, yes, I’m goin’
With a love that’s ever growin’
To that coal-black mammy o’ mine
Not a cent, not a cent
An’ my clothes are only lent
All the same she’ll think I’m just fine
How I’ve dream’d, how I’ve schem’d
An’ at times it almost seem’d
That the sun would never, never shine
That’s why I’m goin’, yes, I’m goin’
Mighty soon I’ll be hulloin’
To that coal-black mammy o’mine

2. I’m sad, disappointed, and I’m homesick
I yearn for my mammy’s tender care
I’ve wasted the years And I’ve shed many tears
Of misfortune I’ve surely had my share
But I know that she’ll drive away my sorrow
Her cabin’s just over the rise
And she’ll smile happy smiles when she sees me
Bless the love-light that shines in her eyes

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:

Coal-Black_Mammy – MIDI