Georgia Moon

[Warning: racial terms. Original presented as music history.]

a 1922 popular song
words by Bob K. Doran
music by Edw. J. Delaney and Zygmunt Nowacki

The sheet music:



  1. Down where mammies croon sweet lullabies
    Down where pickaninnies play all day
    There is one thing I just idolize
    Georgia Moon, you’re dear to me, I’ll say

Georgia Moon, lovely nights in June
With your silvery rays divine
Let me seek no other clime
You’re my southern moon
And you never shine too soon
Always lighting, nightly guiding
O my Georgia Moon

  1. Evening shadows come, and softly go
    Mammy is now singing sweet and low
    I am dreaming of my childhood days
    Of that southern moon and its kind rays

Sung here by Fred Feild: