I Wonder What is That Coon’s Game

[WARNING: racial stereotypes. Original presented as part of music history.]

a 1893 popular song
words and music by Bob Cole and Billy Johnson


The sheet music:



1. Ev’ry coon in Coontown’s feeling might funny
‘Bout a strange yaller coon with an aweful lot of money
He struck the town just a week ago tomorrow
Now ev’ry darkey’s head’s bowed down in sorrow
There’s some kind of mystery attached to him
‘Kase he always dresses so neat and trim
With his patent leather shoes and high silk hat
And diamonds all over his silk cravat
Has a face like a preacher he never smiles
Though he’s all dressed up in the gambler style
He ain’t tipped his hand yet in the town
So every coon’s crazy and whispering around

I wonder what is that coon’s game
The way he spends money it is a shame
Is he from Klondike or from Maine
Is what I’d like to know
I’m worried about him I must admit
With the yaller gals he’s made an awful hit
I wonder what is that coon’s game

2. This coon rides a wheel with pearl and diamond setting
And at no kind of game he was ever seen a-betting
Every other coon in town’s got a mighty bitter feeling
So they whispered to the police, they thought he was a-stealin’
He was locked up on suspicion ’bout nine at night
And the coons held a meeting with great delight
Every darkey went to court next morning soon
To see what they’d do with that mysterious coon
Judge said a hundred dollars and the coons dropped dead
When this darkey sprung a roll of money big as your head
He put on his kid gloves, started for the door
Everybody in the courtroom began to roar


Sung here by Fred Feild: