Ole Man Moon

[Warning: contains racial terms. Original presented as part of music history.]

a pickaninny lullaby, 1904
words and music by Lyn Udall

The sheet music:


1. Down in dear old Dixie where the rose vines twine
Cabin on a moonlit shore
Mammy with her kinky headed honey boy
Sitting in the cabin door
Little pickaninny’s eyes are wide awake
List’ning to the jabber-wobbil’s tune
Mammy, tired and drowsy, rocking to and fro
This little “boogy” song begins to croon

Ole Man Moon! am goin’ to git you soon
He’s goin’ to come and ketch you by suhprise
‘Less you close dem little snoozy toozy eyes
Ole Man Moon! he is a great big coon
He’ll pull yo’ by de pigtail, make you holler
Ole Man Moon

2. Moon is rising yonder just behind the hill
Shining through the tall pine trees
Darkies on the river send a sweet refrain
Floating on the Southland breeze
Mammy croons a lullaby so soft and low
Sandman’s a-comin’ pretty soon
Little pickaninny is in Dreamland now
(Sh!) dars de Ole Man Moon

Sung here by Fred Feild: