A Royal Coon

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A popular song from 1907.
Words by Jolly John Larkins.
Music by James R. Europe.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


1. In me you see the greatest man
Who ever held full sway
In Zulu land, where I reside
I’m monarch in a way
I rule the folks, control the courts
And do just as I choose
I have entertaining subjects
At my house to cure the blues
My great granddad never lived like that
He was a real baboon
But my father was king of his whole tribe
That makes me a royal coon

I am a royal coon, royal coon
I hail from Mataloon, Mataloon
If there’s a doubt about it
I’ll prove my ancestry
Cut down my family tree, family tree
Look up my pedigree, pedigree
And you will find out soon
I am a royal coon

2. Now my old dad, ‘most all his life
Did save up each old sou
And once a year, to please himself
He’d paint the Zulus blue
Now I’ve made up for ev’rything
The old man left undone
I give dinners ev’ry day or so
And have all kinds of fun
On Sundays I have elephant fried
And served by kangaroos
And always for the finishing touch
Rhinoceros barbecue

Sung here by Fred Feild: