I’m Alabama Bound

[Warning: these lyrics contain the N-word. No hatred is intended. It is presented in its original form as part of music history.]

(Goodbye Joe Green)
a 1909 popular song
words by John J. Puderer
music by Robert Hoffman

“I’m Alabama Bound” was also published as an instrumental.


The sheet music:



1. I’m Alabama Bound I’m Alabama bound
I’ve tried you out I’ve got to turn you down
You’re a dog gone low down measly coon
When you took me from my Mobile home
And promised me if I would room
You would make life one long honeymoon
I done told you nigger that you ain’t my kind
You shrug your shoulders and you pay no mind
So now you’ll hear me cry

Goodbye Joe Green, farewell to thee
There ain’t no low down nigger that cuts a figure
And I won’t have you hanging around
You need not plead and beg of me
For my grip is packed and I leave this shack
I’m Alabama bound

2. Do you remember when I tried to help you out?
You was laid up with a busted mouth
You can never say you heard me cry
‘Twas about the time I took that washing in
And it was a dirty scandelous sin
The way you make them nickles fly
I done told you nigger for to be like me
Just drink good whiskey let your cocaine be
Or else I’ll have to cry


Sung here by Fred Feild: