I’m Livin’ Easy

[Warning: racial stereotypes. Original is presented as part of music history.]

a 1899 popular song
words & music by Irving Jones


The sheet music: 





1. Time’s are mighty desperate in the heart of coon town
You can hardly find a fat and healthy coon around
But I’m the coon that’s been blessed with wealth
While a lot of coons around ain’t even got good health
There’s coons in town who are hungry as hogs
While I’ve got quail to feed to my dogs
So about hard luck folks I don’t care
Because I live the life of a millionaire

I’m living easy eatin’ pork chops greazy
Always got money to give my honey
I’m always pickin’ on a spring chicken
Yes, I am livin’ easy and certainly livin’ high

2. Me and my gal strolled out last night
We hadn’t gone far until we got into a fight
A cop said, “Move!” but, I didn’t budge
Next day I had to say “Good morning, Judge”
The copper said, “Judge, that coon is a vag”
Then I pulled a thousand dollars out of my money bag
I was fined ten and costs and the Judge looked strange
When I handed him a fifty and said, “Keep the change”

3. Talk about a darky having easy times
I eat the best of foods and drink the best of wines
And when my time comes to leave this pretty earth
I can look up and say I’ve had my moneys worth
I never went to school that a fact indeed
And numbers is the only thing that I read
But every day about half past three
I hire a smart coon to read the news to me


Sung here by Fred Feild: