Long Tail Blue

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A 1827 popular song from the early minstrel singers’ days.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Fred Feild:


1. I’ve come to town to see you all
I ask you how d’ye do?
I’ll sing a song not very long
About my long tail blue

Oh! for the long tail blue
Oh! for the long tail blue
I’ll sing a song not very long
About my long tail blue

2. Some Niggers they have but one coat
But you see I’ve got two
I wears a jacket all the week
And Sunday my long tail blue

3. Jim Crow is courting a white gall
And yaller folks call her Sue
I guess she back’d a nigger out
And swung my long tail blue

4. As I was going up Fulton Street
I hollerd arter Sue
The watchman came and took me up
And spoilte my long tail blue

5. I took it to a Tailor’s shop
To see what he could do
He took a needle and some thread
And mended my long tail blue

6. If you want to win the Ladie’s hearts
I’ll tell you what to do
Go to a tiptop Tailor’s shop
And buy a long tail blue

Sung here by Fred Feild: