
[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A 1905 comic song of racial protest
words by Alex Rogers
music by Bert Williams

From the book America’s Songs II: “One contemporary observer called the song “a doleful and ironic composition, replete with dry observational wit, and perfectly complemented by Williams’ intimate, half-spoken singing style. Williams’ depicts a man who grumbles as he absorbs the day-in-and-day-out trials and tribulations of a world he only half understands, yet he describes his misery and defiance only to himself.”

The sheet music: 



1. When life seems full of clouds and rain
And I am filled with naught but pain
Who soothes my thumping, bumping brain?
(spoken: Nobody!)
When winter comes with snow and sleet
And me with hunger and cold feet
Who says, “Here’s two bits, go and eat?”
(spoken: Nobody!)

I ain’t never done nothing to nobody
I ain’t never got nothin’ from nobody, no time
And until I get somethin’ from somebody, sometime
I don’t intend to do nothin’ for nobody, no time

2. When summer comes all cool and clear
And friends they see me drawing near
Who says, “Come in and have a beer?”
(spoken: Nobody!)
I had a steak some time ago
With sauce I sprinkled it all – Oh!
Who said, “That sauce is Tabasco?”
(spoken: Nobody!)

3. When I try hard, and scheme and plan
To look as good as e’er I can
Who says, “Look at that handsome man?”
(spoken: Nobody!)
When all day long things go a-miss
And I go home to find some bliss
Who hands to me a glowing kiss?
(spoken: Nobody!)


Sung here by Fred Feild: