Cinderella White

A Colored Military Romance, 1898.
Words by Evelyn Bloom.
Music by Geo. Maywood (Schleiffarth)

The sheet music:

Cinderella White – Sheet Music

Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb.

Cinderella White – MIDI


1. Oh! such a shining light
Is Cinderella White!
She’s known throughout the land,
A beauty proud and grand;
Her uniform correct.
From Paris came direct;
Such a cry, to the sky,
As this lovely dream goes by.
This queen with so much grace,
Knows well her place,
Before the big brass band
That’s under her command;
And she’s the pride of
Ev’ry soldier’s tent,
This “Daughter of the Regiment”
The bugle’s call Rings out for all,
That she’s in sight,
The great Miss White.

Oh! Cinderella White!
It’s sure that you’re all right!
Sweet Cinderella!
Each colored “fellah”
That wears a suit of blue
Would gladly die for you
But rather live and fight
To win Miss White.

2. The captain of the fort
Was always her escort,
When, after dress parade,
They’d be on promenade;
His military skill
Could many volumes fill
Conquests great he did make,
But this vict’ry took the cake.
Sweet Cupid thought it time
To step in line,
And take delib’rate dart
At her protected heart;
The captain saw this trick
And wadded quick
The “Daughter of the Regiment”
The big bass drum Goes bum bum, bum!
The horn with might Blows for Miss White