Uncle Remus Said

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial language. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

From Walt Disney’s “Song of the South”, 1946
Words and music by Johnny Lange, Hy Heath and Eliot Daniel.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


Uncle Remus, Uncle Remus
Uncle Remus said
“Gather ’round me, little children
Before you go to bed
Just give me your attention
Hear what I’ve got to say
I’ll tell you how the animals got that way

The leopard’s pappy got the gout
From eatin’ too much speckled trout
His mammy dreamed of polka dots
And that’s how the leopard got his spots

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
From speckled trout and polka dots
That’s how the leopard got his spots
More, more, tell us more

The camel crossed the desert sands
With all them mighty caravans
His sandy bed was full of lumps
And that’s how the camel got them humps

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
His sandy bed was full of lumps
That’s how the camel got them humps
More, more, tell us more

They threw the fox into a cage
But brother fox was very sage
He used his tail to pick the locks
And that’s why they call him “Sly old fox”

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
He used his tail to pick the locks
That’s why they call him “Sly old fox”
More, more, tell us more

Brother turtle and brother hare
They ran a race and I was there
The hare dropped in at “Barney’s place”
And that’s how the turtle won the race

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
The hare dropped in at “Barney’s place”
That’s how the turtle won the race
More, more, tell us more

The little ostrich went to school
But couldn’t learn the golden rule
The kids all yelled, “Is your face red!”
And that’s why the ostrich hides his head

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
The kids all yelled, “Is your face red!”
That’s why the ostrich hides his head
More, more, tell us more

The piggy saw his monkey friend
A-swinging by his other end
He tried the same thing on a rail
And that’s why the pig’s got a curly tail

That’s what Uncle Remus said
That’s what Uncle Remus said
He tried the same thing on a rail
That’s why the pig’s got a curly tail
More, more, tell us more

That’s all, little children
That’s all, little children
Be good, little children
It’s time to go to bed
No more, little children
No more, little children
Goodnight, little children
That’s what Uncle Remus said