Listen To That Dixie Band

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

a 1914 popular song
words by Jack Yellen
music by George L. Cobb

The sheet music: 

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


1. Listen, don’t you hear that drummin’?
Down the street a band is comin’
Hear the music sweet, trampin’ of the feet
All the air is full of ragtime hummin’
Something ’bout that music thrills me
It’s a band from Dixie, Hip-Hooray
Run, you little Sammy
Go and get your mammy
‘Cause it’s comin’ right this way

Listen to that Dixie band
From my home in Dixieland
That’s the band I love best of all
Ev’rybody will fall for that old bugle call
Listen to that big bass drum
Ain’t that trombone blowin’ some?
Oh, boy! What is it they’re playin’?
Oh, joy! That’s got ’em all swayin’
Hurry, ’cause it’s nearin’
Hear the darkies cheerin’
For that Dixie band

2. Start a Dixie celebration
Take a regular vacation
Call a holiday, get the band to play
Melodies right from the old plantation
Let’s go down to mammy Jinny’s
For a good old Dixie Jubilee
Mammy, she will feed us
And the band will treat us
To some Southern harmony


Sung here by Fred Feild: