A Fat Li’l’ Feller Wid His Mammy’s Eyes

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial language. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A 1913 popular song
Words by Frank L. Stanton.
Music by Sheridan Gordon.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. All dat I got on de whole plantation
    All dat I love in de whole creation
    In de round green world or de big blue skies
    Is a fat li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
    Li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
  2. He play in de sun en he roll in de clover
    He watch for me w’en de day’s work’s over
    He look so cunnin’ en he look so wise
    Dat fat li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
    Li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
  3. Fur ways off he can see en know me
    En I h’ist ‘im up on de mule before me
    En I rides ‘im home, en his mammy’s s’prise’
    At dat fat li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
    Li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
  4. He got sich ways en tricks erbout ‘im
    I knows dat I can’t git ‘long widout ‘im
    En I thanks de Lawd in de big blue skies
    Fur dat fat li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes
    Li’l’ feller wid his mammy’s eyes

Sung here by Fred Feild: