Keep Your Eye on Your Friend Mister Johnson

[WARNING: contains the N-word and other racial stereotypes. Original presented as part of music history.]

a 1898 popular song
words by James T. Powers
music by Jackson Gouraud


The sheet music:





1. I’ve got a little flat up town
And I live dere wid my wife
She is de sweetest little thing
You’d see in all your life
I took a friend to live with me
He is a colored gent
And dese words were whispered in my ears
‘Most everywhere I went

Keep your eye on your friend Mister Johnson
Keep your eye on your friend, hear me say
If you don’t he’ll steal your wife
And wreck a yaller nigger’s life
Look out for your friend Mister “J.” “J.” “J.” “J.”
Look out for your friend Mister Johnson
Keep your eye peeled on dat coon
If you don’t you will regret it
And you never will forget it
For he’s bound to do you soon

2. Dat made me quite suspicious
And I don’t know what to do
So, one day I sneaked to my flat
Into the door I flew
Dey both sat on de sofa wid
His arm around my Lize
Says he to me, “I’m glad yer came
She’s cinders in her eyes!”

3. I b’lieved dat man, what could I do
To dinner we did sit
And when she carves dat turkey
He’d get de nicest bit
She gives him all de stuffin’ and
I wouldn’t get a speck
But delib’rately she’d carve dat bird
And gives to me de neck

4. I was feeling very saddened but
My friends dey say, “Be wise”
So I keeps my eye upon him
For I can’t accuse my Lize
De evidence I did obtain
De judge divorced me quick
Now dey both get alimony
Oh! dat law it makes me sick


Sung here by Fred Feild: