Mammy’s Lit’l Choc’late Cullud Chile

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

a 1919 popular song
words by Noble Sissle
music by Eubie Blake

The sheet music: 



Sammy! Where is dat lit’l scamp?
Sammy, come heah, you little tramp
Sun am sinkin’ in de sky
Trow away dat ole mud pie
Hurry up inside de do’
Boogie-man’ll get you sho’

Why goodness lands, ain’t you a dandy
Look at dose hands, all stuck wif candy
My, but you’se a snipe
Come, let mammy wipe
Dat mouf what always wears a smile
And see dose clothes, my, dey look “shifflin'”
Dat chubby nose am always snifflin’
Yet you’se just twice as sweet
As pie called minces meat
You’se mammy’s little choc’late cullud chile

Lindy, de curfew just struck eight
Lindy, come get dis lit’le skate
Brush de san’ all out his head
Get him ready for de bed
‘Fore you take him up de stairs
Bring him heah to say his pray’rs

Wif dirty hands dat chile seems happy
But goodness lands, he’s like his pappy
Never cares ’bout strife
Satisfied wif life
Smilin’, jolly all de while
I wish dat he could always be
Right at my knee, a tiny baby
His kinky head could rest
Each night on ma breast
He’s mammy’s little choc’late cullud chile


Sung here by Fred Feild: