Sing a Good Old Ragtime Song

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A 1909 popular song.
Words by Jack Drislane.
Music by Henry Frantzen.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


1. Harmony Bill, and Ragtime Lil
Were sweethearts fond and true
But they differed in some things
As lovers often do
Now when it came to music
Bill sang in a high class way
And that’s the time that Ragtime Lil
To William she would say
Your style is very fine
But old Ragtime for mine

“I was born in Virginia”
That’s a pretty melody
That old fashioned “Lovin’ Rag”
Sounds mighty good to me
“Love me and the world is mine”
That’s a real nice tune
But it ain’t ragtime
Mister, let me tell you
When the music starts
Sing a good old Ragtime song

2. “Ragtime Lil” said Harmony Bill
Let’s to an op’ra go
I must hear Caruso sing
His voice is great, you know
A way up in the gal’ry
Lil listened to him sing
But only laughed when William said
Grand op’ra is the thing
Then right before that crowd
Lil up and hollered loud

Sung here by Fred Feild: