[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]
An interrupted osculation in Darktown, 1899
Words and music by Ben Harney

The sheet music:
- I dreamt a dream the other night
From whence came all these coons
Their big thick lips and kinky hair
Just like big baboons
I asked Ham, son of Noah to tell me
How a coon was made
Just then a bug lit on his jaw
And right there he stayed
It was a kissing bug
Gave him a hug
And he stuck like glue
Ham’s face commenced to swell
And he didn’t know what to do
I saw the first coon of the negro race
Ham commenced to turn black in the face
The original coon was made by the kissing bug
- Now two old maids were lying down
One turned around and said
I think there’s a man in our room
Lying right under the bed
One of them kept quiet and still
And never said a word
She heard a little buzzing tone
At last her prayers were heard
It was the kissing bug
That gave her a hug
And fastened to her lip
It was the first kiss that
Came to this Miss
All during her earthly trip
The old maid was only seventy seven
Any kiss was like the seventh heaven
“Oh my!” she cried
“There is the loving kissing bug”