Miss Hannah From Savannah

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

a 1901 popular song
words by Richard C. McPherson
music by Tom Lemonier

These lyrics reference another song from the same year, She’s Getting Mo’ Like the White Folks Everyday (1901).

The sheet music:



1. Up from the land of the fragrant pine
Came a dusky maiden to this Northern clime
She told all her friends, Ah’s gwine to see
The diff’rence in the sassiety
Ah’s heard so much ’bout their high-toned way
‘Bout dem actin’ more like white folks ev’ry day
If dey tries to come it on me too gran’
Ah’ll tell ’em who I am

My name’s Miss Hannah, from Sava-an-nah
Ah wants all you folks to understa-and-ah
Ahm some de blue blood ob de la-and-ah
I’se Miss Hannah from Sava-an-nah

2. They said I must be more cultured
Befo’ mah standin’ here could be assured
That ah need neber spec to be
A figure in their sassiety
Why dere’s none ob dem wid ma pedigree
There’s needer root nor branch to deir family tree
If dey eber fo’ce me to de wall
I’se gwine to tell dem all


Sung here by Fred Feild: