Lucy Neal

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A 1844 popular song from the minstrel show

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb:


1. I liv’d in Alabama
My Massa’s name was Beal
He us’d to own a yaller gal
Her name was Lucy Neal
She us’d to go out wid us
To pick cotton in de fiel’
And dere’s whar I first fell in lub
Wid my sweet Lucy Neal

Oh, poor Lucy Neal
Oh, poor Lucy Neal
If I had you by my side
How happy I should feel

2. One night de Niggers gabe a ball
Miss Lucy danc’d a reel
And all declared no darkee dare
Could dance like Lucy Neal
After dat my Massa sell me
Because he thought I’d steal
Which caused a separation
Ob myself and Lucy Neal

3. Poor Lucy she was taken ill
How bad it made me feel
De Doctor he did gib her up
Alas poor Lucy Neal
One day I got a letter
And jet black was de seal
It was to tell me she was dead
My poor Miss Lucy Neal

4. Dey bore her from my bosom
But de wound dey cannot heal
And my heart my heart is breaking
For I lub’d sweet Lucy Neal
Oh yes, and when I ‘m dying
And dark visions round me steal
De last low murmur ob dis life
Shall be sweet Lucy Neal

Sung here by Fred Feild: