His Rag-Time Walk Won the Prize

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

A popular song from 1899
Words and music by Nathan Bivins

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James PItt-Payne:


1. A coon cake walk was about to begin
The dead swell coons was all coming in
Champion Simpson was head of the line
He said, “That prize is gwine to be mine”
Peter was a coon who had nothing to say
But when he got through Simpson looked like a jay
Now the time has come, to give the prize away
Simpson looked small when the crowd did say

His rag time walk done won the prize
Done fooled the champion fore his eyes
When they found he was the thing
The coons began to sing
His rag time walk done won the prize

2. The dance began when the Cake walk was through
Sim got bad and his gun he drew
He shot poor Peter right through the thigh
The coons all seen it and tried to fly
One gal said, “Now Sim that ain’t right
To try and turn this ball into a fight
Peter beat you fair, and he could beat again
All the crowd joined her when she did sing

Sung here by Fred Feild: