Frisco’s Kitchen Stove Rag

[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]

a 1918 popular song
words by C. Francis Reisner
music by Jimmie Morgan

The sheet music:



1. Down in Dixie there’s a spot
They do a dance that sure is hot
The kitchen stove is what they call
This new hot dancing craze
You feel as though your very soul
Was a piece of burning coal
And when you do this dance you’ll think
Your feet are all ablaze

Come let’s do the kitchen stove
Down at Dark town’s midnight grove
It will set your heart a-flame
And make you dance till you are lame
Each man whirls his lady fair
Just like smoke we’ll fan the air
The shoes upon your feet
Will burn up with the heat
You’ll have a hot time when
You do the kitchen stove
Get the wood, get the wood, get the wood

2. One step called the furnace shake
Another one called bake the cake
The kitchen stove gives everyone
A dancing appetite
The lady’s there with style and looks
Dancing like a bunch of cooks
And when that Jazz band starts to play
You burn up with delight

Sung here by Fred Feild: