[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]
A popular song from 1919
Words by Jack Frost
Music by F. Henri Klickmann

The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- I just dropped in to see you all and say
I leave today, I’m on my way
I’m goin’ back to sunny Dixieland
That’s why I came to shake you by the hand
The minute when I cross that Dixie Line
No more I’ll pine, won’t that be fine?
Mister Captain, don’t fail me
Just hurry and sail me
To that gal of mine
Floatin’ down, my honey, floatin’ down
Floatin’ on the river down to Cotton Town
Just hear that whistle toot! toot! tootin’ away
And those darkies singin’
Banjos ringin’ till the break of day
Honey lamb, my little honey lamb
I’ll come back to you and Alabam’
While fields of sugar cane
Seem to welcome me again
Floatin’ down to Cotton Town
- Just see those southern roses ‘long the shore
There’s just one more I’m longin’ for
The cotton blossoms in the moonlight fair
Remind me of my mammy’s snow-white hair
Just hear that music ‘neath the southern moon
While darkies croon a Dixie tune
Mister Captain, you’ve hurried
But don’t keep me worried
Land me there right soon