[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]
A plantation song from 1899
Words and music by Geo. M. Vickers

The sheet music:
- When de summer moon am shining
When de gentle night wind blows
Then de darkies love to wander
Where de Mississippi flows
Sweethearts am sweeter then
Life from trouble then am free
But, oh, it seems to me like heaven
When my Linda’s there with me
Bring de banjo, Ebenezer
Play us a song that we know
Oh, pick on de string
While de darkies sing
De songs what we sung long ago
- Linda am my own true darling
She am all de world to me
Like a rose that fresh am blooming
Fairer than de morn am she
Oh, darkies, come tonight
Come across de fields of corn
We’ll dance and sing beside the river
Till de first gray streak of morn - Listen to de darkies singing
Happy am each heart and gay
In de cabin stay de ole folks
While de children go to play
Linda, she loves me true
Like de stars her bright eyes shine
And, oh, de day am surely coming
When forever she’ll be mine