[WARNING: This song contains antiquated racial stereotypes. It is presented here for historical and educational purposes only.]
a 1898 popular song
words and music by Safford Waters

The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
1. Down in sunny Alabama
Not so very long ago
Dere I met my Susieannah
Cutest little gal I know
Appetizing as de melon
Ripenin’ up on de vine
Mighty big my heart was swellin’
When I asked her to be mine!
Be ma honey gal
Ma little Susieannah
And I neveh shall forget old Alabama
Be my honey gal
De sun shall always shine
If yo’ only say
Yo’ little dear heart am mine
2. All dat Susieannah answered
As I held her hand was “hush!”
And I kinder, sorter fancied
I could almost see her blush
Den I felt up on my shoulder
Cunning little kinky head
And dis made me trifle bolder
Louder dan befo’ I said
Sung here by Fred Feild: