A cover from 1895

sung from African-American sheet music
George Washington Dixon (1801 – March 2, 1861) was a notable American singer, stage actor, and newspaper editor. He is often recognized as one of the first American performers to gain fame through blackface minstrelsy, a unique form of entertainment.
In the 1820s, minstrelsy was in its early stages and primarily consisted of informal performances by white entertainers who would blacken their faces with burnt cork or shoe polish to emulate African Americans. These early minstrel performances were often part of larger variety shows and were not yet the structured, full-length productions that would develop in the following decades.
Continue reading “Minstrelsy in the 1820s”Let straighten something out. The term ‘coon’ described a person of lower class. In the song “All Coons Look Alike To Me” the black woman singing these words preferred a fine, upstanding black man. That song was written by a wonderful black man, Ernest Hogan.
The song Bedelia which can be found on this channel refers to an Irish woman as coon.
Continue reading “Coon wasn’t racist until 1910”Did you know there were black folksongs in aural tradition? Slavery lasted from 1619 to 1863. Black musicians would sometimes improvise lyrics. Over time some of the favorite verses were committed to memory. These were likely used as early ragtime content in the 1880s.
Continue reading “Black Folksongs”Success by black athletes and black musicians is obvious and widespread on the pages of history. Lesser known are accomplishments in many other areas.
The songs on this site trace many of the influences of blacks starting with African folk songs and spirituals. Through these rare resources you may acquire greater knowledge and appreciation of this subject. This is a goal of sheet music singer.