Where The Four-Leaf Clovers Grow

a 1925 popular song
words by Raymond B. Egan
music by Richard A. Whiting

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I recall the fields I wandered over
    Dressed in a coat of tan
    There I found a little four leaf clover
    That’s where my luck began
    I have always been a rover
    Now I want to go
    Hunting for a four leaf clover
    Thru fields I used to know

I want to stray far away
Where the four leaf clovers grow
Where I played in the shade
Of the maples bending low
I want to dream by a stream
Where the four leaf clovers grow
With a book and a hook
And a line the fish all know
I want to spend a day a startin’ down the lane
To school and wend my way
Toward the dear old swimmin’ pool
And end the day a roamin’ through the gloamin’
In the twilight glow
I’ll be about tired out
When the curfew rings
I know then I’ll creep off to sleep
Where the four leaf clovers grow

  1. I can hear the lazy windmill creekin’
    Out in the evening breeze
    I can nearly see the moon a peakin’
    Down thru the maple trees
    Then I find myself a slippin’
    Peacefully to sleep
    Hardly ere my prayers are ended
    I’m wrapped in slumber deep

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: