Whenever You’re Lonesome

(Just Telephone Me)
A popular song from 1922
Words and music by Pete Wendling and Max Kortlander

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Maybe you were right and maybe I was wrong
    I was wrong to make you cry
    You were right to say “goodbye”
    Maybe you’ll miss me as much as I miss you
    Maybe you won’t, but if you do

Whenever you’re lonesome, just telephone me
When you’re by your “ownsome”
And you want company
If blues overcome you, you’ll need me to hum you
Some “Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry” melody
A world may divide us from Frisco to Maine
But I’d walk miles for your smiles once again
Your kisses and your laughter
Are worth going after
Whenever you’re lonesome, just telephone me

  1. I’m just like the bee who loved a red, red rose
    Only to wake up one morn
    To find out the rose was gone
    I can’t live without the honey in your kiss
    If you miss mine, remember this

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: