When the Bells are Ringing, Mary

A popular song from 1910
Words by Junie McCree
Music by Albert Von Tilzer

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Gerd Westendorp:

Accompaniment with quartette chorus:


  1. “Dad,” said a lad, “I am twenty today
    I love the girl that lives over the way”
    “But to propose I am lost how to start
    Show me the way to her heart”
    “Well,” said Dad, “I’ll tell you lad
    If you wish to wed
    When I courted your mother in days long ago
    I plucked up my courage and said”

“When the bells are ringing, Mary
Let me lead you to the altar, do not falter
I will ring your finger, Mary
When the bells ring for you and me”

  1. Dressed in his best, on the girl called the lad
    He seemed to have all the courage of Dad
    Her name was Mary like mother’s the same
    Mary, the old fashioned name
    ‘Neath a tree stood he and she
    In the bright moonlight
    With a smile on his face, in a fond sweet embrace
    He pleaded for her hand that night

Sung here by Vancha March:

Sung here by Emvoice Jay: