When the Angelus is Ringing

A popular song from 1914
Words by Joe Young
Music by Bert Grant

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James PItt-Payne:


  1. Love time, love time
    Can’t you understand when it is love time
    Birds sing, bells ring
    Love just seems to ring with every chime
    Ding dong dong ding
    Love’s messages they bring

When the angelus is ringing
In the belfry on the hill
And the whippoorwill is singing
In the night, when all is still
I am waiting for the time
When I can come to you
And sing love’s sweet song
While the silvery bells peal out their
Dong ding dong
Down the road of love we’ll wander
‘Mid the violets perfume
To the little cottage yonder
When we’ll spend our honeymoon
And as we go through life from year to year
Cares and worries disappear
When the angelus is ringing, dear

  1. Two hearts, true hearts
    All the world is full of loving sweethearts
    I’ll bring the ring,
    To the pealing of each silvery chime
    Ding dong dong ding
    All nature seems in rhyme