When Love Goes Wrong

. . . Nothin’ Goes Right
From “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, 1953.
Words by Harold Adamson.
Music by Hoagy Carmichael.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


When love goes wrong, nothin’ goes right
This one thing I know
When loves goes wrong, a man takes flight
And women get uppity oh
The sun don’t beam, the moon don’t shine
The tide don’t ebb and flow
A clock won’t strike, a match won’t light
When loves goes wrong, nothin’ goes right
The blues all gather ’round you
And day is dark as night
A man ain’t fit to live with
And a woman’s a sorry sight
It’s like I said, you’re better off dead
When love has lost its glow
So take this down in black and white
When love goes wrong, nothin’ goes right