What Are We Gonna Do With All the Jeeps?

A WWII song from 1944
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


The men who fight the war until it’s won
Are making plans for when the job is done
They all agree that it will be a task
But here are several questions that they ask

What are we gonna do with all the jeeps
Thinking about the jeeps gives us the creeps
What’ll the Army do with our old mess kits
How will you squeeze your foot
Into a shoe that fits
Where will be put the Army blankets when
Fellows begin to sleep in sheets again
How will we use the flannels
That we got thru Army channels
When the boys come home

What’ll we do with all the empty cans
Where will be burn the papers filled with plans
How will we use the junk that we all sent back
Beautiful silver souvenirs that soon turned black
What are we gonna do with all the bars
All of the leaves, the eagles and the stars
How will we face conditions
In a world without commissions
When the boys come home

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: