Welcome Home (1954)

From the musical “Fanny”, 1954.
Words and music by Harold Rome.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


Why even when I leave this neighborhood for only a day
To go to the beach or the vineyards across the bay
No matter what I do or see
After turning home again
I get to that corner and then
Sweet voices, I hear sweet voices calling to me

“Welcome home,” says the street
As I hurry on my way
“Welcome home,” sings the gate like a song
“Welcome home,” says the door
“Glad to feel your hand once more
Now you’re back where you belong”
“Welcome home,” says the chair
Holding out its friendly arms
“Welcome home,” says the bed, “Rest on me
Now you’re back where you should be
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And the world will settle down to size”
“Welcome home,” says the lamp
Lighting up familiar things
“Look around at your friends, good and true
Get your cares all untied
While you’re warming up inside
Welcome home to you
Welcome home to you