A college fight song from 1910
Words by Thornton W. Allen and C. A. Robbins
Music by Thornton W. Allen and Mark W. Sheafe
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb:
Come cheer for Washington and Lee,
We’re going to win another victory,
The White and Blue we will ever wave
In triumph for the University,
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Fight to the finish we are with you,
Break thru the line on ev’ry play,
Rush the ball on down the field
And we will win this game today.
When Washington and Lee’s men fall in line,
We’re going to win again another time,
For W. and L. I yell, yell, yell, yell, yell,
And for the University I yell, I yell like hell,
So fight, fight, fight, for ev’ry yard,
Circle the ends and hit the line right hard,
And roll the enemy upon the sod
Yes by gosh! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: