Original title: Santa Claus, 1866
Words and music by Benjamin R. Hanby
The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- Upon the house, no delay, no pause
Clatter the steeds of Santa Claus;
Down thro’ the chimney with loads of toys
Ho for the little ones, Christmas joys.
O! O! O! Who wouldn’t go.
O! O! O! Who wouldn’t go,
Upon the housetop, click! click! click!
Down thro’ the chimney with good St. Nick.
- Look in the stockings of Little Will,
Ha! Is it not a “glorious bill?”
Hammer and gimlet and lots of tacks,
Whistle and whirligig, whip that cracks. - Snow-white stocking of little Nell,
Oh pretty Santa cram it well;
Leave her a dolly that laughs and cries,
One that can open and shut its eyes - Here are the stockings of Lazy Jim,
What will the good Saint do for him?
Lo! he is filling them up with bran
There, he is adding a new ratan! - Pa, ma, and Uncle, and Grandma too,
All I declare have something new;
Even the baby enjoys his part,
Shaking a rattle, now bless his heart. - Rover come here, are you all alone,
Haven’t they tossed you an extra bone?
Here’s one to gladden your honest jaws
Now wag a “thank’ee” to Santa Claus
Sung here by Vancha March: