Uncle Sam Won’t Go To War

A popular song from 1914
Words by Casper Nathan
Music by F. Henri Klickmann

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Little Bobbie, sitting on his father’s knee
    In the Land of the Free, says, “Daddy, tell me
    Why is Europe fighting, why are lands uniting
    Just to whip old Germany
    Will our country join the parade?”
    The father smiles upon his son
    And says, “Don’t be afraid”

Uncle Sam won’t go to war
That’s not what the U. S. got united for
Let all Europe fight, if they must
But the Yankee motto is, In God we trust”
When war clouds roll by once more
Things will be the same as before
Our country’s always free
No matter what may be
Uncle Sam won’t go to war

  1. From the top of Maine to Frisco’s Golden Gate
    Yankee people don’t hate, their love is too great
    So we’re not excited, while we stand united
    We will love while others hate
    Peace will reign in our U. S. A.
    Tho’ all the world may be at war
    Each Yankee’s proud to say

Sung here by Vancha March: