Twenty-Four Hours of Love

From “The Happiest Night of His Life”, 1910
Words by Junie McCree
Music by Albert Von Tilzer

The sheet music:


  1. Life is just a constant gamble
    Thro’ it’s different games we scramble
    Nothing certain in its ramble
    Just a guess from post to post
    In this world of haste and hurry
    In this life of fear and flurry
    Are two beings “Love and Worry”
    They are first and uppermost
    Love will lead while worry trails you
    When he finds that love has failed you
    To his side he has impaled you
    On the dagger point of hate
    Worry leaves a scar that’s markless
    Love is brilliant, worry sparkless
    One is light, the other darkness
    Wither way we go is fate

The first smile from your girl is the morning of love
And the first kiss is still the forenoon
You’re engaged right away
Marriage is the mid-day
One o’clock starts the sweet honeymoon
At three, four and five the babies arrive
Their happiness you’re dreaming of
But divorce, wrong or right
Brings on darkest midnight
In the twenty-four hours of love

  1. Love is not alone for classes
    Love is made for all the masses
    To your mind’s eye place your glasses
    Peer into the underworld
    See the girl who once was pretty
    Graceful, cultured, bright and witty
    Now the belle in hell’s own City
    Since her past has been unfurled
    What has brought her to this level
    To this life of ribald revel
    In the clutches of the devil
    Was it worry, was it love?
    Love came first with arms extended
    Then divorce came undefended
    Happy days in worry ended
    Spelling hawk instead of dove

The sad smile on her face is the sunset of love
And the light in her eyes seems to dim
‘Tis the evening of life
For a once faithful wife
Just a shudder when she thinks of him
The flickering spark in her heart grows dark
Her spirit has flown up above
Just a pure life made coarse
By the arch fiend divorce
In the twenty-four hours of love