
A popular song from 1905
Words by Fred E. Weatherly
Music by Stephen Adams

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I stand in a land of roses,
    But I dream of a land of snow,
    Where you and I were happy
    In the years of long ago.
    Nightingales in the branches,
    Stars in the magic skies,
    But I only hear you singing,
    I only see your eyes

Come! Come! Come to me, Thora
Come once again and be
Child of my dream, light of my life
Angel of love to me

  1. I stand again in the North land,
    But in silence and in shame;
    Your grave is my only landmark,
    And men have forgotten my name.
    ‘Tis a take that is truer and older
    Than any the sagas tell,
    I loved you in life too little,
    I love you in death too well

Speak! Speak! Speak to me, Thora
Speak from your Heaven to me;
Child of my dream, love of my life,
Hope of my world to be