There Is a Happy Land

(Tale of Woe)
From “Little Miss Fix-It”, 1911
Words by Jack Norworth
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I’ve been wed three years today
    Listen to my tale of woe
    Seems three hundred anyway
    Listen to my tale of woe
    Married men all say with glee
    Marriage is one jubilee
    Misery loves company
    Listen to my tale of woe

Matrimony is a lottery
Men are bound to play
Blanks are for the great majority
That is why I say
Married men, forget your misery
Cheer up, shout hooray
For there is a happy land far, far away

  1. Proverb true I now recall
    Listen to my tale of woe
    Home’s the best place after all
    Listen to my tale of woe
    Home’s the best place I suppose
    After all the cafe’s close
    That’s the truth from one who knows
    Listen to my tale of woe

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: