The Song the Kettle is Singing

. . . in a dear little place called home.
A 1916 popular song.
Words and music by Worton David and Lawrence Wright.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. What are the songs our soldiers sing?
    The question we hear each day
    What are the songs that make their voices ring
    When they are far away?
    Now I’ve got a letter from over the sea
    And this is what Tommy himself writes to me

We have sung your song of Tipperary
As we sat in the Campfire’s glow
We have march’d along to that well known song
“Are we downhearted? No!”
And now we’re singing: “Keep the homefires burning”
But there’s one songwe miss o’er the foam
That’s the song the kettle is singing on the hob
In a dear little place call’d Home

  1. Music has cheer’d brave Tommy lad
    When he’s march’d towards the fray
    Songs with a chorus make his heart feel glad
    They drive dull care away
    But sometimes his thoughts fly back over the foam
    And that’s why he sings as he’s dreaming of home

Sung here by Vancha March: