The Rambling Blues

A popular song from 1917
Words by Betty Tilford
Music by Myrtle Kemper
Arranged by Phil Epstein

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Feeling awf’ly bad
    I’m feelin’ oh, so sad
    Really don’t know what is the matter
    Got the blues today
    I’ve got the blues, I say
    Got a feeling I want to wander
    Want to go you see
    For something’s calling me
    Calling me just to roam
    Oh my, that’s why I’m feeling so blue

Oh yes, I’ve got the blues
I’ve got the blues
I’ve got the rambling blues
I want to perambulate
I don’t want to hesitate
Want to ramble
Want to ramble, ramble right along
Just because I’ve got the rambling blues

  1. Got my things all packed
    And I’m not coming back
    Really don’t know where I am going
    But I’m on my way
    I’ve got to go, I say
    ‘Cause the wanderlust has sure got me
    All the world seems to be waiting just for me
    And I’m anxious to go
    Oh my, that’s why I’m feeling so blue

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: