The Old Maid’s Ball

A popular song from 1913
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Talk about your funny masquerades
    Talk about your funny looking braids
    Did you hear of the four old maids
    Who gave a fancy ball
    Old maids gathered there from every town
    Each one dressed up in a funny gown
    I was asked to go and so I hurried
    Down to the old maids ball

There were old maids short and tall
Dancing ’round the hall
One who knew us drew up to us
She was older than St. Louis
Miss Melinda Rand
Led the female band
And when they played “Here comes the Bride”
Four old maids sat down and cried
Someone hollered “There’s a man outside”
And broke up the old maids ball

  1. Everybody in the hall was asked
    Not to laugh, and say it was a task
    What I thought was a funny mask
    Turned out to be a face
    Someone came to me and put me wise
    Fifty dollars was the standing prize
    To the one who had a perfect figure
    Nobody won the prize

There were old maids short and tall
Dancing ’round the hall
One who knew us drew up to us
She was older than St. Louis
Miss Melinda Rand
Led the female band
And one old maid named Geraldine
Oldest maid I’ve ever seen
Said, “Tomorrow I’ll be seventeen”
And broke up the old maids ball

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: