The Little Church Around the Corner

A song with chorus from 1871
Words by George Cooper
Music by D. S. Wambold

The sheet music:


  1. God bless the little church around the corner
    The shrine of holy charity and love
    Its doors are ever open unto sorrow
    A blessing fall upon it from above
    The rich and poor are equal ‘neath its portals
    And be our path in life whate’er it may
    No heart that needed comfort In affliction
    Was ever turned uncomforted away

God bless the church! God bless the church!
The little church around the corner
Its doors are ever open unto sorrow
A blessing fall upon it from above

  1. God bless the little church around the corner
    No matter what the creed that it may bear
    However we may differ in opinion
    The warmth of Christian sympathy is there
    A word of hope and kindliness awaits as
    When clouds of sorrow hover overhead
    With needed words of pity for the living
    And rev’rence for the cold and silent dead
  2. God bless the little church around the corner
    And keep its hallowed mem’ry ever green
    O, like a lily growing by the wayside
    It smiles upon life’s ever busy scene
    It points the way to realms of joy unfading
    And bears of love a never ending store
    God bless the little church around the corner
    God bless the little church forever more