The Days to Come

A popular song from the musical hall in 1898.
Words and music by Harry Liston.

Sheet music provided by Ross Boyle:

Accompaniment by Ross Boyle:


  1. You’ve heard the song called “Days Gone By”
    Which you may think were slow
    But what about the days to come?
    That’s what I’d like to know
    You going now at such a pace
    I want to caution some
    To think just for a moment
    Of the days that are to come

With bicycles and tricycles
You startle some
When you are taxed upon ’em
You will then look glum
If you don’t put on the stopper
You’ll come down such a cropper
You’ll all be sorry for it
In the days to come

  1. Ladies they now ride
    Astride their bicycles
    Their actions make it very hard
    To tell the girls from men
    They now play football, cricket
    And quite lately I’ve met
    Who tell me they’ll be captains
    Of big ships in days to come
  2. Some men are never satisfied
    They seek for constant change
    They’re going in for corsets now
    Their health to disarrange
    It’s namby-pamby that it is
    To such men I say Bah
    Of course it’s simply fashion
    But why not stay as they are
  3. Divorce is now so popular
    And marriage vows are not
    The sacred bonds they used to be
    They’re scarcely worth a jot
    Faults there are on both sides
    And I fancy there are some
    Who’ll wish to marry every week
    Fresh wives in days to come

Sung here by Fred Feild: