The Baylor Bears

A Baylor University song, 1920
Words and music by Will N. Payne

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. You have heard of the Texas Longhorn,​
    You have heard of the Kangaroo,​
    You have heard of the Owls and wild Mustangs,​
    You have heard of the Aggies too;​
    But listen while I tell you
    What gives that bunch a scare:​
    It’s the gleam of the Green and Gold,​ (Yea team!)​
    They all fear the Baylor Bear.​

Oh, the Longhorn’s long we’re agreed,​
Com-a ti-yi yu-pa yu-pa yea,​
Like a Razorback, he’s built for speed,​
Com-a ti-yi yu-pa yu-pa yea;​
But the Baylor Bears did a mighty deed,​
Com-a ti-yi yu-pa yu-pa yea,​
When he made that Longhorn herd stampеde,​
Com-a ti-yi yu-pa yu-pa yea.​

  1. And we don’t givе a darn for the difference,​
    For an Owl or a Kangaroo,​
    There’s a great big “B” on the Longhorn steer,​
    And a “B” on the Mustang too.​
    Then listen while I tell you,​
    What gives that bunch a scare;​
    It’s the gleam of the Green and Gold,​ (Yea team!)​
    They all fear the Baylor Bear
