That’s What The Wild Waves Are Saying

from the 1891 musical “Sinbad”
words by Harry B. Smith
music by W. B. Batchelor

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Wachy:


  1. Sea bathing is pleasant, and healthful as well
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    The sport is enjoyed by most every belle
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    But when in the waves a young girl goes to splash
    It strikes me as being remarkably rash
    To wear a bath suit just the width of a sash
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying

Hark to the waves how they surge and they roar
List to the waves as they rush on the shore
These are some things, and a great many more
That the wild waves unto us are saying

  1. The funds for the World’s Fair are much in request
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    And more than one fellow is feathering his nest
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    Large salaries now are the only expense
    We may have a Fair about twenty years hence
    But all they can show now is six miles of fence
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
  2. When our nation was young then our navy had might
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    Our ships were not great, but they got there in fight
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying
    But all we can do now’s to make a display
    Th’ Itata said “ta-ta” and sailed on her way
    The time we got left was a cold, chilly day
    And that’s what the wild waves are saying

Sung here by T. Craft: