That’s My Idea of Paradise

From the vaudeville production “The Society Buds”, 1914
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy
    I’m easily satisfied
    I never cared for grand affairs
    Where everybody puts on airs
    I wouldn’t pay a lot to own a mansion
    It wouldn’t be worth the price
    Come and hear of my idea of Paradise

A little moonlight upon a June night
A little bench beneath a tree
One little squeeze of the hand
A squeeze in return, meaning, I understand
A sigh of “Oh sir, come over closer”
A little kissing, oh, so nice
And then a goodbye, dear
That’s my idea of Paradise

  1. I never doubted anyone who told me
    That Heaven is up above
    Still, I would wager all I’m worth
    That there’s a Heaven here on earth
    The gates of Paradise are ever open
    Just listen to my advice
    Any lover can discover Paradise