That Red Cross Girl of Mine

A WWI song from 1917
Words and music by E. C. Cannon

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. There are Sue and Jane in their uniforms
    With a band around their arm
    There are girls next door and across the street
    Who will keep our courage warm
    It’s a sacrifice little girl we know
    It has won our true esteem
    And on the field of service
    While the dark draws o’er us
    Our hearts just seem to sing

I’ll go to sleep tonight and dream
Of that Red Cross girl of mine
She’s just the kind of girl to dream of
She’s lovely, she’s divine
What chance has Kaiser Bill to win
When we have a million men in line
Who have plucky little girls to keep them well
Like that Red Cross girl of mine

  1. Everyone is called now to do their part
    For the good old U. S. A.
    And the girls you find over all the land
    They are ready boys today
    And we’ll fight and win for we always know
    They’ll save those who might be lost
    For our Red Cross beauties
    Will perform their duties
    No matter what the cost

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: