That Opera Rag

From the comedy “Mrs. Jim”, 1910
Words by Irving Berlin
Music by Ted Snyder

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Sam Johnson was op’ra mad
    He sho’ had the fever bad
    He said, “Those ordinary ragtime tunes are mild
    Some music from Verdi’s hand
    Or any old op’ra grand
    Would never fail to set this op’ra darkie wild”
    One evening at a ball
    They heard Sam Johnson call
    Unto the leaderman to play some “William Tell”
    The leader swelled his chest and said, “I’ll do my best”
    So when he played they heard Sam Johnson yell

Hear dat strain
Mister Verdi come to life again
Oh that operatic sweet refrain
Sho’ would drive a crazy man insane
Just let me die and meet those brainy men
Who manufactured notes of opera grand
Oh! Verdi where, where oh art thou?
Let me shake you by the hand
Man, you know what’s grand
Good Lord, it’s over
They’re playin’ “Home Sweet Home”

  1. Old Sam was a painter man
    One day with a brush in hand
    He stood upon a scaffold ‘way up in the air
    A German band below
    Was playin’ some Rigletto
    Sam said, “I know that’s op’ra, be it here or there”
    While he daubed up the wall
    He tried hard not to fall
    But in the street the band kept right on playin’ fair
    They played some “Faust” below
    Just then old Sam let go
    He tumbled down below a-shouting in the air

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: