Tell Me All Your Troubles, Cutie

From the musical “Miss 1917”
Words by P. G. Wodehouse
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I wonder why you look so sad
    I’m feeling blue
    Perhaps you’ll find it not so bad
    So cheer up do
    My troubles make me gloomy
    For life’s gone wrong
    If you will tell them to me
    They won’t last long

So won’t you
Tell me all you troubles, Cutie?
I’m waiting here to listen while you do
I hate to see you feel so blue
Come on and tell me dearie
And I will comfort you
Oh come along and tell me all about it
Some way to fix it we are sure to see
If you’ve a pal to help you out
You’ll find there’s nothing much for you to fuss about
You’ll soon forget your troubles, Cutie
If you will tell ’em all to me

  1. I think you’ve something on your mind
    I’m worried, too
    To me you’ve been so nice and kind
    I must help you
    Oh no, I won’t start whining
    Please don’t mind me
    Oh yes, a silver lining
    We’re sure to see

Vocal demonstration:
He – sung by Vancha March
She – sung by Mrs. March